2025 Winners



Exhibition of Posters by early-career research scientists, engineers and mathematicians.




Gold and Silver Sponsor: Institute of Biomedical Science
Bronze Sponsor: Biochemical Society
The Nutrition Society Prize
The Physiological Society Prize

B18 – Anneliese Hodge

University of Plymouth
The ecotoxicological effects of two contrasting UV filters derived from sunscreens (oxybenzone and nano-titanium dioxide), on the temperate marine microalgae species Isochrysis galbana

B2 – Magdalena Armas

The Francis Crick Institute
Modulating gene expression in human T cells with PETRA

B23 – Harry Jarrett

Ulster University
Riboflavin deficiency is an urgent global health priority affecting women and children across high and low-middle income countries worldwide

Nutrition Society Award

B23 – Harry Jarrett

Ulster University
Riboflavin deficiency is an urgent global health priority affecting women and children across high and low-middle income countries worldwide

Physiological Society Award

B7 – Jose Cabezas Caballero

University of Oxford
Genetically engineering T cells to reduce the risk of autoimmune cross-reactivities in cancer T cell therapies


Gold, Silver and Bronze Sponsor: Parliamentary and Scientific Committee

C22 – Bayan Alkhawaja

University of Bath
Conjugation chemistry for life-saving: a novel linking platform for developing next-generation biological therapeutics

C24 – Nathan Davison

University of Birmingham
Sustainable alkali metal chemistry: from small molecules to material synthesis

C28 – May Ching Lai

University of Cambridge
Impact of calendering on tortuosity and transport properties in single-crystal and polycrystalline lini₀.₈Mn₀.₁Co₀.₁O₂ cathodes via 3D imaging


Gold, Silver and Bronze Sponsor: Warwick Manufacturing Group

E41 – Nidhi Kapil

University College London
Gold nanoparticles anchored onto polymer brushes as robust anti-microbial surfaces: a strategy to tackle AMR

E31 – Shadrack Osei Aboagye

Nottingham Trent University
A smart textile system for the early detection of breast cancer using electrical impedance tomography

E55 – Emma Spooner

University of Manchester
Semi-transparent organic solar cells for energy generating windows


Gold Sponsor: Clay Mathematics Institute
Silver Sponsor: Heilbronn Mathematics Institute for Research
Bronze Sponsor: Isaac Newton Institute

M19 – Edwina Yeo

University College London
Preventing bacterial surface contamination and infection via mathematical modelling

M4 – Rosie Barrows

Imperial College London (visiting) / King’s College London (awarding institution)
Quantifying the impact of anti-arrhythmic therapy in atrial fibrillation patients using computational whole-heart models

M6 – Holly Chambers

Imperial College London
Benchmarking a causal discovery method for partially observed biochemical kinetics


Gold, Silver and Bronze sponsor – AWE

P52 – Max Merrett

Regional characterization of earthquakes and explosions in North Korea

P42 – Andrea Barbiero

Toshiba Europe Ltd
High-performance and scalable semiconductor single-photon sources for quantum secure communication

P47 – Morgan Facchin

University of St Andrews
Solving the problem of arsenic detection in Victorian books with optical spectroscopy

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